Amplitude | Bending, Tensile & Compression | Depth | Dimensions | Displacement | Distance | Level | Metrology | Positioning | Presence/Absence | Robot Guide | Surface | Thickness | Tolerances
Manual thread inspection is slow, not always reliable and tedious for the inspector. Manufacturers have struggled to come up with ways to reliably automate the process at a reasonable cost. Automated systems are available that use “screw sensors” can quickly wear or be cross threaded, requiring operator attention and a tooling change. A worn screw can provide false rejections leading to the unnecessary scrapping of parts.
Capacitance solutions are cost effective alternative which are becoming increasingly popular due to their high reliability and fast measurement speed. Special cylindrical ‚Äúring probe‚Äù designs consist of a passive sensor with radial sensing element around the probe diameter. The diameter and height of the sensing element is customized to match the required thread diameter and pitch. MTI’s Accumeasure capacitance amplifiers convert the capacitance between the probe and the thread to a precise voltage. This voltage signal is compared to that of an ideal thread profile within MTI’s customized software and monitoring system. Limits are set within the software to provide alarm indications for abnormal threads or diameters. Manual thread inspection is slow, not always reliable and tedious for the inspector. Manufacturers have struggled to come up with ways to reliably automate the process at a reasonable cost. Automated systems are available that use ‚Äúscrew sensors‚Äù can quickly wear or be cross threaded, requiring operator attention and a tooling change. A worn screw can provide false rejections leading to the unnecessary scrapping of parts. Capacitance solutions are cost effective alternative which are becoming increasingly popular due to their high reliability and fast measurement speed. Special cylindrical ‚Äúring probe‚Äù designs consist of a passive sensor with radial sensing element around the probe diameter.
The diameter and height of the sensing element is customized to match the required thread diameter and pitch. MTI’s Accumeasure capacitance amplifiers convert the capacitance between the probe and the thread to a precise voltage. This voltage signal is compared to that of an ideal thread profile within MTI’s customized software and monitoring system. Limits are set within the software to provide alarm indications for abnormal threads or diameters. Manual thread inspection is slow, not always reliable and tedious for the inspector. Manufacturers have struggled to come up with ways to reliably automate the process at a reasonable cost. Automated systems are available that use ‚Äúscrew sensors‚Äù can quickly wear or be cross threaded, requiring operator attention and a tooling change. A worn screw can provide false rejections leading to the unnecessary scrapping of parts. Capacitance solutions are cost effective alternative which are becoming increasingly popular due to their high reliability and fast measurement speed. Special cylindrical ‚Äúring probe‚Äù designs consist of a passive sensor with radial sensing element around the probe diameter.
The diameter and height of the sensing element is customized to match the required thread diameter and pitch. MTI’s Accumeasure capacitance amplifiers convert the capacitance between the probe and the thread to a precise voltage.