Did You Know? GaGe Digitizers in Military & Aerospace Applications

Introduction High-speed digitizers are indispensable tools in the military and aerospace industries, revolutionizing the way data is captured, processed, and analyzed. These  advanced devices enable precise measurement and real-time monitoring of complex systems, from radar and communication systems to electronic warfare and  avionics. By converting analog signals into high-resolution digital data at unprecedented speeds, [...]

Common Test and Calibration Uses of the 1510A Portable Signal Generator

Introduction As one of the most versatile and powerful hand-held signal generators on the market, the 1510A is a two-channel, battery-powered, microprocessor-controlled direct digital signal generator. It has an average battery life of 3 hours of continuous use. Weighing in at under two pounds, makes it ideal for use in the field. [...]


Case-In-Point: MTI Turbine Vibration Analyzer/Balancing System Technology Principles

What do you think when you’re flying home, cruising at 30,000 feet and the drinks have just been served? Our engineers think about the ripple in the glass. That ripple signals vibration and is an indication that the engine may be in need of a balance.

Article: High-Performance Digitizers in Semiconductor Manufacturing Applications

High-Performance Digitizers in Semiconductor Manufacturing Applications PC-based high-speed, high-resolution digitizers perform critical data acquisition functions during semiconductor fabrication, die packaging, and final chip testing. Introduction Data acquisition is a critical element of quality control and compliance testing during three stages of semiconductor manufacture. The first stage is fabrication, in which [...]

The Cost of Failing to Inspect Semiconductor Wafers

This is the second of three articles in Semiconductor Wafer Measurement for Increased Profitability. The first article in this series explains why disc geometry matters. The third article describes the benefits of using semi-automated, fully-automated, and manual systems for wafer metrology and inspection. Most semiconductor wafers are made of silicon, the second most common element in the Earth’s [...]

Cable & Wire Troubleshooting Made Easy-Using the MTI 1510 Precision Signal Generator

Cable & Wire Troubleshooting Made Easy Using MTI Instruments 1510A Precision Signal/Function Generator Cable & Wire troubleshooting is important to identify and resolve problems with electrical or data transmission systems. Without proper troubleshooting, systems can fail, causing a range of issues including downtime, lost productivity and safety hazards. MTI Instruments 1510A is [...]

led substrate sapphire thickness

N/A led substrate sapphire thickness Displacement Remember that old acronym, GIGO?  Garbage in garbage out, it can apply to raw materials as well as programming. Sapphire wafers need to be of a certain quality to ensure maximum yield. EXCESSIVE TTV, BOW, AND WARP LEAD TO PREMATURE LED FAILURE LED MANUFACTURERS [...]

Signal Generator Calibrates Strain Gauge Electronics

Signal Generator Calibrates Strain Gauge Electronics Industrial, Automotive, Transportation, Research & Development, Civil Engineering Calibration of Strain Gauge Electronics Amplitude; Bending, Tensile & Compression Description [Application Note 31218] The strain gauge has been in use many years and is the fundamental sensing element for many [...]

Dynamic Measurement of Armature Gaps

Introduction In large motors and generators, the air gap needed to separate the revolving rotor from the stator should be as small as possible. This reduces the magnetizing power requirement which needs to be large enough to prevent contact between the two, despite manufacturing tolerances on their dimensions or movement resulting from mechanical deflection or [...]

Signal Generator Simulates Eddy Current Probe

Signal Generator Simulates Eddy Current Probe Industrial, Power Generation, Automotive, Power Generation, R& D, Solar Simulation of Eddy Current Probe Gap, Amplitude, Displacement, Positioning, Thickness Description [Application Note 31218] Non-contact eddy current probes can be used to measure the position, or position change, of conductive [...]

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