Application Note: How to Ensure Your LED Lighting Products Meet Industry Standards

Testing for performance, energy effeciency, consumption verification, quality and safety compliance during product development. Introduction Manufacturers and users of LED lighting products need to ensure that their products meet the qualifications and requirements of a multitude of reliability and efficiency standards. In addition to voluntary initiatives and [...]

Vitrek’s Automated Testing System Simplifies and Speeds Automotive Cable/Harness Testing

Vitrek's Automated Testing System Simplifies and Speeds Automotive Cable/Harness Testing Testing system combines a hipot tester with Vitrek’s 964i switching system and QT Enterprise software; the automated approach enables manufacturers to configure tests easily and access historical data Introduction With 20 or more harnesses, many interfacing with digital control devices, today's [...]

PAxx Power Analyzers using External Current Sensors: Application Notes

Current Sensors use two main techniques. A current transformer divides current. So for instance a 100:1 current transformer would see an input of 10A and output 100mA. Note that this technique is only useful for AC current. When using a current transformer you can directly input the current into one of our internal shunts as [...]

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