Video: MTI Products for the Semiconductor Industry

MTI Instruments Whitepaper: Capacitance Guide for Industrial Applications

Capacitance Guide for Industrial Applications This guide from MTI Instruments explains what you need to know about using electrical capacitance for measurement in industrial applications, including advanced manufacturing. Basic Principles Capacitance is the ratio of the change in an electric charge to the corresponding change in its electrical potential [...]

Whitepaper: Why Capacitance? Benefits and Applications of Digital Capacitive Sensors

Industry applications illustrate the versatility and benefits of today's digital capacitive sensor technology. The electrical capacitance formed between a capacitance probe and target surface varies as a function of the distance, or gap, between those two surfaces.

Whitepaper: Semiconductor Wafer Measurement for Increased Productivity

Semiconductor Wafer Measurement for Increased Productivity This three-part article describes how manufacturers leverage capacitance-based inspection systems for semiconductor wafers. The article reviews best-practices, consequences of failing to inspect semiconductor wafers and benefits of using semi-automated, fully-automated and manual systems for wafer metrology and inspection. Part 1: Why Disc [...]

The Cost of Failing to Inspect Semiconductor Wafers

This is the second of three articles in Semiconductor Wafer Measurement for Increased Profitability. The first article in this series explains why disc geometry matters. The third article describes the benefits of using semi-automated, fully-automated, and manual systems for wafer metrology and inspection. Most semiconductor wafers are made of silicon, the second most common element in the Earth’s [...]

Capacitance Sensors Facilitate 3D IC Construction

Capacitance Sensors Facilitate 3D IC Construction Semiconductor, Research & Development 3D IC Construction Distance, Positioning, Displacement Description [Application Note 70518] To boost device performance, today's semiconductor and microelectronics manufacturers are building three-dimensional integrated circuits featuring vertically-stacked silicon wafers and dies. The rationale is simple. Exploiting [...]

Thickness Gauge Measurement With Conductive Wafers and Thin Films

Thickness Gauge Measurement With Conductive Wafers and Thin Films Consumer Electronics Electronics Parts Profiling Thickness Description Using MTI's capacitive thickness gauge Proforma 300i with conductive wafers and thin films G = (a+b+t1+t2 ) Where G is the fixed gap between two probes When making [...]

Semiconductor Wafer Lapping and Displacement Measurement

Semiconductor Wafer Lapping and Displacement Measurement Semiconductor Semiconductor Wafer Manufacturing Displacement Description Semiconductor Wafer Lapping and Displacement Measurement This application note explains how MTI's Accumeasure technology was used with a lapping machine to measure displacement (wafer material removal) and determine the new semiconductor wafer thickness. [...]

MTI’s Accumeasure HD Amplifier vs. SmarAct’s PicoScale Interferometer

MTI's Accumeasure HD Amplifier vs. SmarAct's PicoScale Interferometer Research & Development Piezoceramic, 1-3 Pzt / Polymer Composite And Pvdf Film Amplitude Description This application note compares MTI's Accumeasure HD amplifier to SmarAct's Picoscale interferometer in terms of resolution and accuracy for very small displacement measurements. [...]

Connecting Encoders to MTI’s Digital Accumeasure

Connecting Encoders to MTI's Digital Accumeasure MTI's Digital Accumeasure D has the ability to accept one or two digital quadrature encoders. The encoders can be linear slide-type or rotary. Digital encoders allow for tracking the position of capacitive probes such that you can synchronize a probe's position with the probe's [...]

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