Thickness and TTV of Semiconducting Wafers

Thickness and TTV of Semiconducting Wafers Semiconductor Thickness And TTV Of Semiconducting Wafers Thickness Description Introduction:  Silicon wafers are ordinarily highly conductive and easy to measure with standard capacitive displacement sensors (See MTI’s Proforma 300i). Measuring the thickness of GaAs wafers that have high bulk [...]

Lithography Optics Position Focus

Lithography Optics Position Focus Semiconductor Lithography Optics Position Focus Positioning Description One specific area where capacitance systems excel is high resolution focusing of complex lens systems such as those found in atomic force microscopes, vision inspection machines and photolithography tools. In a multi-million dollar photolithography [...]

Push-Pull Capacitance Sensor Measures Ungrounded Targets

Push-Pull Capacitance Sensor Measures Ungrounded Targets Solar, Semiconductor Measurement of Ungrounded Targets Thickness, Metrology Description [Application Note 50318] Today’s semiconductor and solar industries drive the demand for thinner wafers to conserve silicon and fulfill new IC applications. To meet this demand, wafer fabricators seek greater [...]

Wafer Measurement – Ungrounded

Wafer Measurement - Ungrounded Semiconductor Wafer Measurement - Ungrounded Metrology Description MTI Instruments Inc. has developed a thickness measurement device that eliminates the effect of varying target conductivity. Called the Push-Pull probe, it’s a unique version of the AccumeasureTM amplifier series. This special design provides accurate [...]

Wafer Thickness, Bow, Warp And TTV

Semiconductor Wafer Thickness, Bow, Warp And Ttv Surface Description Thickness Measurement ASTM F657: The distance through a wafer between corresponding points on the front and back surface. Thickness is expressed in microns or mils (thousandths of an inch). Total Thickness Variation (TTV) ASTM F657: [...]

Tape Cartridge Movement

Tape Cartridge Movement Semiconductor Tape Cartridge Movement Positioning Description Researchers are presently working on drives with track widths in the 5 to 1 micron region. For these small widths, tape wander, properly called Lateral Tape Movement (LTM), must be less than 1 micron. This is because [...]

Wafer QA/QC After Slicing And Polishing

Wafer QA/QC After Slicing And Polishing Semiconductor Wafer Qa/Qc After Slicing And Polishing Surface Description Introduction: When wafers are sliced up with wire saws, they are measured to make sure they are within the specified thickness, with minimal bow, warp, and TTV. After initial measurement, they [...]

Wire Bonding

Wire Bonding Semiconductor Wire Bonding Level Description Introduction:  Machine automation frequently involves measuring small distances extremely accurately. Wire Bonding is one such application with some challenging requirements. A ‘normal’ wire bond consists of gold wire bonded to a substrate (PC Board) and an integrated circuit. Wire [...]

GaAs Substrate Thickness Measurement

GaAs Substrate Thickness Measurement Semiconductor Gaas Substrate Thickness Measurement Thickness Description Measuring Thickness of Wafers with Different Chemistries Introduction:  Silicon wafers are ordinarily highly conductive and easy to measure with standard capacitive displacement sensors (See MTI's Proforma 300i). Measuring the thickness of GaAs wafers that [...]

Photolithography Using Capacitance Sensors

Photolithography Using Capacitance Sensors Semiconductor Photolithography Using Capacitance Sensors Positioning Description When it comes to photolithography, how accurate are our sensors? Accurate enough to measure this: ​   Photo by D. Carr and H. Craighead, Cornell The world's smallest guitar is 10 micrometers long -- [...]

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