Check out the New MTI PBS Express Video for Small Frame Engine Vibration & Balancing Analysis!

Whitepaper: What Defines Performance in High-Speed Digitizers

Introduction Today’s advanced, PC-based digitizers for high-speed data acquisition are necessary for myriad applications – ranging from signal analysis, lidar, ultrasound imaging and non-destructive testing, to communications, particle physics, mass spectroscopy and more. This article highlights how digitizers are unique and describes the unique performance parameters engineers should use when selecting a high-speed digitizer. [...]

What Defines Performance in High-Speed Digitizers? Published in Electronic Products & Technology July 2024

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Case-In-Point: MTI Turbine Vibration Analyzer/Balancing System Technology Principles

What do you think when you’re flying home, cruising at 30,000 feet and the drinks have just been served? Our engineers think about the ripple in the glass. That ripple signals vibration and is an indication that the engine may be in need of a balance.

Article: High-Performance Digitizers in Semiconductor Manufacturing Applications

High-Performance Digitizers in Semiconductor Manufacturing Applications PC-based high-speed, high-resolution digitizers perform critical data acquisition functions during semiconductor fabrication, die packaging, and final chip testing. Introduction Data acquisition is a critical element of quality control and compliance testing during three stages of semiconductor manufacture. The first stage is fabrication, in which [...]

Aviation NewsBrief: Industry Growth Faces Trained Technician Shortage

Introduction Prior to the COVID pandemic, the average age of a highly trained aircraft technician was 57. The airline industry, like so many others, reacted to the pandemic by reducing operations and offering early retirement as way of balancing the workforce with demand. Now the airline industry is experiencing unprecedented growth and [...]

Article: Solving the Shortage of Aviation Technicians Through Product Design

he MRO industry is seeing an exodus of retiring mechanics — even as fewer young mechanics sign up to enter the trade. Exacerbating the situation is the extensive training and dated equipment aspiring technicians must contend with before they can join the workforce.

Video: GaGe Products for the Semiconductor Industry

Video: MTI Products for the Semiconductor Industry

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