Case-In-Point: Step Height Measurement (Thickness) of Copper Foil or EV Battery Film on a Roller Rig

Step Height Measurement (Thickness) of Copper Foil or EV Battery Film on a Roller Rig Leverage MTI Instruments’ digital Accumeasure system to measure the thickness of the material used as anode and cathode plates in rechargeable Li-Ion battery cells Many roll-to-roll finishing processes typically use a calender, or series of hard pressure rollers, to [...]


Industry Semiconductor Applications Gaas Substrate Thickness Measurement Measurement Type Thickness Description Measuring Thickness of Wafers with Different Chemistries Introduction: Silicon wafers are ordinarily highly conductive and easy to measure with standard capacitive displacement sensors (See MTI’s Proforma 300i). Measuring the thickness of GaAs wafers that have high bulk [...]



Industry Consumer Electronics Applications Glass Thickness Measurement Type Thickness Description Did you know that glass thickness can be measured with a capacitance probe? You will need some equipment: Digital Accumeasure D200 ASP-2500-CTA Dielectric probe (The capacitance probe has a sensing area of 11.25 mm) [...]



P/NModelMeasurement RangeLinearityMin. RangeStand-OffResolutionSpot SizeInterfaceTypeRequest Info 8300-0001-000Capacitance Probe: AFP-250M-CTR/SE250µm (10mil/s)12.7µm (0.5mil/s)Max. Range Extension: 9x@15kHz: 1.4nm (0.054µin) – @10kHz: 0.4nm (0.015µin)3.55mm (0.139 in)MMCX connectorsCTRRequest Info 8300-0002-000Capacitance Probe: AFP-500M-CTR/SE500µm (20mil/s)25.4µm (1mil/s)Max. Range Extension: 3x@15kHz: 2.7nm (0.108µin) – @10kHz: 0.8nm (0.031µin)5.02mm (0.198 in)MMCX connectorsCTRRequest Info 8300-0003-000Capacitance Probe: AFP-1250M-CTR/SE1250µm (50mil/s)63.5µm (2.5mil/s)Max. Range Extension: 2x@15kHz: 6.9nm (0.270µin) – @10kHz: 2.0nm (0.077µin)7.93mm [...]


Push/Pull capacitance probes

Model Specifications: Push/Pull Capacitance Probes P/NModelMeasurement RangeLinearityMin. RangeStand-OffSpot SizeInterfaceTypeRequest Info 8200-2104-420PP Probe: ASP-250MD-ILA/PP250µm (10mil/s)0.02% FSR25µm (1mil/s)Max. Range Extension: 7x9.45 mmSMA connectorsILARequest Info 8200-2114-420PP Probe: ASP-250MD-ILA/PP Ext250µm (10mil/s)0.02% FSR25µm (1mil/s)Max. Range Extension: 8x11.58 mmSMA connectorsILARequest Info 8200-3104-420PP Probe: ASP-250MD-ILR/PP250µm (10mil/s)0.02% FSR25µm (1mil/s)Max. Range Extension: 7x7.11 mmSMA connectorsILRRequest Info 8200-2109-420PP Probe: ASP-350MD-ILA/PP350µm (14mil/s)0.02% FSR35µm (1.4mil/s)Max. Range Extension: [...]


Standard Capacitance Probes

P/N Model Measurement Range Min. Range Stand-Off Resolution Spot Size Interface Type Request Info 8100-0001-000 Capacitance Probe: ASP-25M-CTA 25µm (1mil/s) 1.27µm (0.05mil/s) Max. Range Extension: 10x @50Hz: 0.2nm (0.008µin) – @5kHz: 1.5nm (0.06µin) 1.09mm (0.043in) SMA connector CTA Request Info 8100-0002-000 Capacitance Probe: ASP-50M-CTA 50µm (2mil/s) 2.54µm (0.1mil/s) Max. Range Extension: 9x @50Hz: 0.3nm (0.012µin) [...]


Accumeasure Probes

High resolution, low cost sensors to measure gap and displacement in industries such as semiconductor, electronics, R&D applications and many more. For grounded targets MTI offers standard capacitance probes.  For ungrounded or poorly grounded targets MTI offers push/pull dual sensor probes.  Both types of probes are available in stainless steel construction or flat and flexible [...]


OEM Capacitance

CUSTOM CAPACITANCE SENSORS Measure displacement and gap with non-contact force at sub-micron resolution. Ideal for applications such as lobing, lens focusing, Piezo positioning, sheet metal thickness, gap measurement, as well as flatness and alignment test applications. Capacitance Displacement and Gap Measurement Probes MTI offers probes for grounded targets using single-ended probes and for ungrounded or [...]


Case-In-Point: High-Accuracy Capacitive Thickness Measurement Optimizes Li-Ion EV Battery Plate Qualities

High-Accuracy Capacitive Thickness Measurement Optimizes Li-Ion EV Battery Plate Qualities EV Battery manufacturers need to measure EV battery plate thickness with a high degree of precision (repeatable <2um accuracy and resolution) to optimize manufacturing efficiencies while maintaining uniform cell capacity and minimizing waste. The MTI Accumeasure System provides an effective means of monitoring [...]

MTI App Note: Step Height Measurement (Thickness) of Copper Foil or EV Battery Film on a Roller Rig

Step Height Measurement (Thickness) of Copper Foil or EV Battery Film on a Roller Rig Leverage MTI Instruments' digital Accumeasure system to measure the thickness of the material used as anode and cathode plates in rechargeable Li-Ion battery cells Introduction Figure 1. Simplified structure of a Li-Ion battery cell This white [...]

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