In-Situ Particle Detection

In-Situ Particle Detection Research & Development In-Situ Particle Detection Presence/Absence Description Introduction:  Foreign particles in food stuffs, plant produce, grains, etc. can lead to customer dissatisfaction when the items are packaged for sale. In some cases — it can be dangerous. Opportunity:  A major cigarette [...]

Ice Detection

Ice Detection Industrial Ice Detection Presence/Absence Description Introduction:  Ships take in water from outside the hull to cool the engines and other auxiliary equipment. The water usually comes in through a sea chest. “The sea chest provides an intake reservoir from which piping systems draw [...]

Thread Checking

Automotive Thread Checking Presence/Absence Description Manual thread inspection is slow, not always reliable and tedious for the inspector. Manufacturers have struggled to come up with ways to reliably automate the process at a reasonable cost. Automated systems are available that use “screw sensors” can [...]

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